Step 1
Identify the new and pre-owned luxury designer handbags, clothing, scarves, shoes, gloves, belts, hats, perfume, and jewelry that you would like to consign.
A. All pre-owned designer clothing, shoes and accessory items must be clean and in good condition.
B. Clothing must be in current style and no more than 3-5 years old.
Please check for: Working Zippers, Holes, Tears, Stains, Pilling, or Signs of Wear.
The better it looks, the faster it will sell. Please inspect your items before bringing or sending them in. We may decline items based on age and condition. We are very selective and only choose what we believe we can sell.
We accept new and pre-owned women’s clothing in any season, however for the best return on seasonal items you may wish to wait for the appropriate season.